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Return to training in EM

Returning to Emergency Medicine after a non-clinical absence 3-18 months

TV Emergency Medicine Resources

Thames Valley Deanery supports trainees in their return to clinical practice.  There is a TV guideline for use by EM trainees and trainers which details suggested process for all trainees returning to clinical practice.

The 'At a glance' summary can be downloaded here.

The full TV RTT guideline can be downloaded here.

National EM Resources

RCEM runs a Return to EM one day course in London / Scotland.  This aims to refresh clinical knowledge, facilitate logistics and tackle well-being and emotional aspects of returning to clinical practice.  Details can be found on the RCEM website.

RCEM are in the process of publishing a national document advising on returning to clinical practice in EM.  This will also be available via their website.

TV Deanery Cross-Speciality Resources

The process for updating the deanery on a planned absence/return is detailed on the SuppoRRT website, including links to mandetory forms to complete.

The SuppoRRT site contains details of free courses available for TV trainees preparing for a return to clinical practice.  These supportive, interspeciality days include clinical updates, skill refreshers, SIM, and non-technical skill days.  Childcare is sometimes provided (also free of charge).

All trainees have access to deanery funding for a supported return to clinical practice in EM - including a supernumerary initial re-entry period: Details in the guideline.

All trainees have access to free coaching prior to/after a return to clinical practice.

Planning for return should ideally start prior to absence with a pre-absence meeting with educational / clinical supervisor to make trainee aware of resources available on return and arrange a pre-return meeting 8-12 weeks prior to the return to clinical practice.

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